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Well, well, well, well, well, hello there my friend.

Welcome, welcome, welcome to Alcohol Ink Art TV Where we do a little good conversation about her, her.

This, this beautiful beast.

That’s right.


I don’t know if you got the memo, but alcohol inks…

Well, alcohol inks are a fast drawing, non pores medium that.

It works best on yupo paper.

You could try using alcoholic inks on another kind of paper, like a regular paper, but you’re not gonna get very far.

They require a smooth surface.

They also require 99% alcohol.


Isopropyl alcohol.


Here’s one very, very, very, a very, very important ingredient.

Should I keep it a secret?


I don’t think it’s much of a secret.

Okay, so now you understand a little bit about, about alcohol and then, you know, one of my favourite colour is Seniorita Magenta.

Oh but we’ll talk about that another day ’cause today we’re talking about this painting.

To give you some context, Alcohol Ink Art TV is is really just a breakdown of the information that we find in in a painting because what you need to know is that alcohol inks are much more than a painting.

They’re much more than inks.

They are angelic intelligence, ya dig?

And by that what we mean, what we mean, what we mean is that we are, we are getting information from the divine.

We are getting information that will change your mind and align your mind with your heart because now you’re being exposed.

Now you’re getting this kind of information that we’ve never had access to.

You are not gonna get it in your schools.

You’re not gonna get it in your news.

You’re not gonna get in your Bible.

You’re not gonna get it in your church.

You’re not going to get this kind of information from our standard sources of getting information.


Because you have to connect with the inks.

You have to connect with the colour energy, and it’s important to understand that what makes alcohol inks so different and so powerful in terms of the information that they carry is their vibrancy.

The vibrancy of the colors, it’s outta this world okay?

So it’s hard to get this kind of vibrancy from anything else.

Look around you, is your world popping with colour?

Are you popping with colour?


So the thing is, colour is information.

Color is healing.

Color is empowering.

Color is uplifting.

And when we are surrounded with certain colors, we are subsequently filling ourself with color energy and that color energy activates our chakra chemistry.

And collectively, when we start filling up our chakra or chemistry.

What are we doing?

What are we doing?

We are raising our frequency, which then has this cascade effect.

This healing effect.

It activates cell function.

It activates DNA.

It activates creativity.

So many magical things happen when we surround ourselves with vibrant colors okay?

But alcohol inks are more than just that.

It’s more than just the colours.

That’s why they’re so different and so unique and so transformative because besides the colors, what we really love, what we really want, the real power comes from the lines.

These lines are so like, there’s not even a word.

I don’t even know what word to use to describe.

The lines and how powerful they are.

It’s like out of this world, you know what I mean?

Like out of this world.

And so we have the lines here and we have lines here, and we have lines here, and then we have lines up here and we have lines here and lines there and lines are everywhere.

And so it’s the information from the lines that are empowering and healing and they will inspire in you dormant information.

Dormant DNA.

Like the lines awaken you.

They activate you.

I don’t know how.

I’m not a scientist, I’m just an artist okay?

But I know from my own personal experience, what they can do for your healing journey and your awakening process.

It’s like there’s something about the lines that will change your mind, but it goes bigger than that.

It’s bigger than the colors, and it’s bigger than the lines.

It’s the layers and the effects.

Like, like this would be one layer, but now you have two layers and now you have, you know, three layers.

And together with the combination of color and lines and layers.

What we have are shapes, we have lines and shapes and colors and effects, and all this together, this information together tells a story.

It empowers you.

It uplifts you.

It activates you.

So have I sold you on the extraordinary healing power of alcohol and art yet?


If you want more juicy tidbits, let’s dive into this beautiful little beast.

That’s why she’s a little beast.

So I have it, you know, in this frame, but it doesn’t come in this frame because everybody’s framing preferences are different.

But to give you some context, I just put it in this frame for the demo for the purpose of this Alcohol Ink Art TV series…

I got caught off.


Why do you think.

Just for the record, they’re always trying to stop the information from coming out.

Like I am not gonna get into the dirty details in this video, but I need you to know that I’ve been through hell and back to become Artist Sarah Long, and to bring this information to you because that’s my mission.

I came to do this.

That’s it.

You know, being a regular human or doing the the regular stuff, it doesn’t work for me.

I came for one thing and one thing only.

And that is to spread the awareness of Alcohol Ink art and the information that they carry, which is essentially light and love.

So you and I both know that there is a very obvious spiritual war going on.

And the way we win, the way we win is by doing the work to learn about love to unlearn all the stuff we’ve learned that was really about fear and and frustration, and keeping us suppressed and depressed and ignorant to who we really are as humans.

Like there’s a very obvious agenda, and now that we’re awakening to it, it’s both very exciting because now we have clarity as to why things are always so hard.

But it’s also really hard, harder than ever before because now we have to really do the work to be the change we want to see.

We have to start stepping into alignment with the divine.

With love, and really know thyself.

Know thyself.

Love thyself.

Because if you don’t, if you don’t, then you are a monster.

And ironically and divinely guidedly, that brings me to what I think that this painting really represents, is the duality of our personalities and how we have our persona…

The personality that we be in front of people.

And that what this painting is talking about…

The contrast.

The contrast between the lower chakras and the upper chakras.

The root chakra.

The third eye.

And the third eye for me, really relies on the crown and the throat chakra to really be effective and and powerful.

But our third eye and our root chakra give us the juice.

It gives us the life force.

It gives us the personality juice to be the best version of ourself.

That is, of course, if we are in alignment…

if these chakras are full and and balanced with all the other chakras.

But these two colors.

They represent those two chakras and those two chakras to me, when they’re juicy.

When they’re full…

When they’re healthy.

They can give us this power.

This superpower that unites the lower and the upper chakras.

And I think that that’s important in terms of facilitating self-mastery, and spirituality and becoming the best version of ourselves.

So let’s break down the information we see in the color energy, shall we?

So the third eye, you know, it’s more of an indigo colour, but the throat chakra is blue.

But I feel like this blue is a, is a blend of both of those colours, cause it’s not really indigo and it’s not really light blue, but it is a, a deep blue.

It’s a sapphire blue.

It might even be a little Baja blue.

But either way, a lot of people don’t realize is how blocked off we are in our throat chakras because, you know, thousands of years of oppression and tyranny and control and abuse in every way.

In every facet of society, whether it’s in your home environment or the school system, or the justice system, or every system we have created to help us govern the way we do life is strongly influenced by a distorted root chakra.

And this distorted root chakra energy has invaded society across the globe and has perpetuated a cancer.

Thus the trauma bonding and because of this, many people have a very distorted root chakra, and they’re not able to really get the confidence and the courage and the finances and the health, which is what the root chakra is really related to.

It’s, it’s about stability.

It’s about digging your roots deep.

And the deeper the roots, the higher the shoots, the higher the shoots.

But we can’t get there…

We can’t really tune into our, our third eye power center because why?

Because we’re not really in our power.

We’re not really rooted, and everybody’s just scrambling and flailing and robbing Peter to pay Paul.

And it’s a futile quest, isn’t it, because history, here we are 2023, history repeating itself, but probably worse than ever before because the layers of pain, the layers of trauma have piled up so much that we’re out of control.

There’s so much separation, there’s so much, contrast and we’ve lost sight of what it really means to love and be loved.

To give and receive freely.

It’s all about greed, but that the root of it is because we’re imbalanced in the root chakra.

And so when you can’t get the juice from the roots.

When you can’t support a healthy sacral chakra, because that’s the next chakra, is your sacral chakra.

Your sexual chakra.

Your center for creativity.

So without a strong root, then chances are you’re gonna be distorted in all the other chakras.

It’s just the way the energy goes, right?

Or you’re gonna be more dominant in other chakras, and that’s what also creates this imbalance and these very flawed or distorted versions of ourselves, thus the monster.

So we have to be more mindful of how we show up and what we’re giving our time and attention to.

What we’re investing in.

And are you investing in your root?

Are you building a strong foundation for yourself?

But if we’re not doing the healing work to heal our traumas, to learn about love.

To fill up our heart chakras.

Then the throat chakra never has enough juice.

You never have enough energy to really speak your truth.

To really step into your power.

It tried to stop me again.

I will not be stopped.

I’m on a mission.

I’m on a mission, and I have had a major breakthrough recently, and I see the signs.

I see all the blocks.

I see what you’re trying to do, and I’m not going to be stopped.

Back to what we were talking about…

We’re talking about the root chakra being so distorted that we can’t really rise and awaken to our true power, and it’s in the penal gland.

It’s in the third eye when we awaken to the power of our mind, but we can’t get there without a healed heart okay?

It’s really important for you to understand that the heart is where the real magic is.

When the heart’s activated, we find the freedom to really speak our truth.

But the freedom to really tune into something higher, something more divine.

And in into that divine creativity is where we get the juice to turn our ideas, our visions into a reality.

Does that make sense?

And so blue is really, helpful in helping us to activate the penal gland because it’s very helpful for facilitating a state of calmness and balance… emotional balance.

It’s very helpful for helping us to find clarity and for concentration and focus.

So Blue is really good for meditation and creating an environment that feels uplifting, but also stable.

And it’s also really helpful for facilitating good health.

Physically, it’s good for lowering blood pressure.

It’s good for reducing inflammation.

It’s really good at helping you be productive, but not just busy work.

I’m talking like productive productivity.

Efficient productivity, not trying really hard to make it happen, but being divinely guided and having the confidence and the willpower to make whatever it is you gotta do happen.

So there’s a difference between like forced productivity and divinely guided productivity.

And so when you get the red involved with the blue, you have all that healing power empowering you.

And then the red helps to raise your root chakra frequency, helping you to feel more confident and strong and secure in your physical body.

It’s helpful for grounding and if you’re not grounded, then chances are you’re somewhere else.

And being somewhere else is not helpful when you need to be here on earth, in your human doing your human thing.

A lot of times we get stuck in in the mind.

But it’s distorted and we can’t bring our ideas to fruition.

We can’t bring it to reality because we don’t have the power of our root chakra.

So red color energy, it can really help us dig our roots and, and cultivate that strong foundation that is necessary in order to really take effective and assertive action.

But not the kind of action that’s forced.

Not the kind of action that’s just a random guess, but the kind of action that is divinely guided through intuition.

The kind of action that it’s, like, I know exactly what to do, and you go and do it, and it just works.

You get the click.

You get the click.

We want the click, okay.

And when you do the work to cultivate alignment.

To fill yourself up with the information of light and love, something magical happens.

And it just fills you up in this way you’ve never been filled up.

And so you start to line up, all your chakras are like flowing.

And so now, now, instead of being this separated version of yourself.

This fragmented version of yourself where you’re trying really hard to go out and get something to make something happen and it never works out, and you just get more and more disappointed.

And then the snowball of disappointment and frustration and insecurities start to develop and then it is hard to really become the best version of yourself when you get caught up into that kind of energy, into that kind of snowball of being a certain way…

Your personality creates your reality okay.

And so when we bring this information from the alcohol links, we’re bringing into our reality, the information of color, energy lines and shapes, layers and effects.

Thus angelic intelligence.

And this information will start filling you up in ways that you won’t even realize is happening.

But because you’re surrounding yourself with it, it’s like watching a television show or listening to music or reading a book.

You’re consuming that information in those specific ways…

Through sight.

Through sound.

Through, energy.


And so the paintings are similar in the sense that you’re not necessarily reading through words.

You’re not necessarily hearing through sound, but best believe that that is really what’s going on, just in a very different way.

You are retaining, collecting the data from the information, in the paintings.

Collecting the information from the blue energy and the red energy, and the lines and the shapes are imprinting into you what you need to become the best version of you.

And regardless of what painting…

What colour you surround yourself with, they’re going to empower you.

So if this resonates with you, then maybe you need more blue and red color energy.

If this resonates with you, maybe you need the information that is in this painting.

You need the lines and shapes, the layers and effects.

To give you a little bit of perspective let’s flip this beauty.

See what’s really fascinating about Alcohol ink is that you technically have four paintings in one, because I just showed you Landscape One.

And this would be Landscape two.

I know the light’s kind of like reflecting, but that’s also what’s very powerful and very healing about the paintings is that I really like to capitalize on the gold.


Because I believe that the gold brings an element of richness into the environment.

And it is my ultimate quest to bring forth information that is both enriching and empowering because it’s about calibrating, right?

It’s about matching our energy to a higher frequency.

So how can we do that?

And this is a tool.

This is a tool that allows us to do that in an easy way.

And, the thing is, is our environment dramatically influences our health and wellbeing.

So if you’re the first step to creating or calibrating to a higher vibration is to ensure that your home or your environment is of a high vibration.

It feels good.

It’s decluttered, it flows, it has good color energy, and good decor, and it is minimal.

We got caught off again.

So with that being said I think we gotta wrap it up.

I was trying to make these short and sweet anyway, but it’s really hard for me to do because my name is Artist Sarah Long, so I like to talk a lot and like make things really long.

I’ve tried to change that, but some things can’t be changed.

So with that said, I just wanted to show you a couple more perspectives.

We have that perspective, which is very cool.

I think you would agree that it’s very cool.



And then this way…

yes, I know the light is distracting on the gold but that’s how you know that they are so rich and divine and aligned.

And they will make your home feel so good.

They’ll make you feel so rich.

And whatever they do for you is unique to you.

It’s like every painting is a snowflake, and they hold the keys to what’s dormant within you that wants to come out.

So whatever you’re drawn to, whatever resonates with you.

It’s because it’s what your soul is calling for and so whatever you’re guided to, you’re being guided and they will help you heal in extraordinary ways that I can’t even say how that’s gonna go because everybody’s different.

You know what I mean?

Does that make any sense?

Did that make any sense?

Everybody’s different.

So it’s like the keys and the painting activatendormant DNA in different ways in everyone.

So everyone’s different and every painting’s different.

And what you get from a painting will be different than what someone else is gonna get.

What you see in a painting will be different than what someone else sees.

Everybody sees something different, and that’s what’s so fascinating.

So that is all I think I have to say in this painting.

This painting is titled, Purple Rain, mainly because…

I actually really don’t know.

I dunno.

It’s like if these two were to collide together, like rain falling and they mixed, they would make purple… okay.

So I don’t know where the titles come from.

Sometimes I name my paintings after songs.

Sometimes I may name my paintings after stories that I’ve written.

In case you don’t know, I am the creator of The Art Stories Project, which nobody knows about and nobody is a part of yet.

So if you’re watching this and you wanna know more about it, then be sure to go to my website,… okay?

And there you can sign up and I give you seven days free.


I give you seven days free.

So check it out.

I mean, I know it’s not for everyone, but I poured my heart and soul into that okay.

And I don’t know why I keep saying okay, but I’m saying okay a lot, and that’s weird.

It’s weird for me, but really I just wanted to share the information from this painting and to make you aware of what’s coming.

And a lot more is coming.

A lot more is coming.

This is just one of many, and there’s more than just this.

There’s the art stories project and the paintings actually inspired the art stories project, and it is my hope and goal that my work can inspire others to find their unique gift.

Whatever your gift is, your creative and your spiritual gift, because we need that now, more than ever before because this war…

This spiritual war is very real and it’s probably not going to be, over for a while.

But the way we fight is very different than how we’ve fought in the past.

In fact, I think it’s not fighting at all, but instead surrendering to the love.

The lover.

The creation.

The creator that’s within us all.

And the way we do that, the way we fight, is by healing our own inner turmoil.

By falling in love with thyself through the daily practice of learning about love.

Healing our traumas.

Facing who we hate and loving them anyway.

But you can’t do that unless you’re willing to surrender to the process to let go and let God guide you.

And when you do that, it’s a very, very different way of showing up and being human, because instead of fighting for your limitations.

And instead of doing things because you’re trying to get something…

Instead you’re showing up and you’re asking the hard questions, how can I forgive?

How can I love?

What does my heart really want?

How can I find more stability?

How can I activate my third eye?

How can I be the best version of myself from the inside out?

So these paintings will help you do that in a way that is very indirect and unique to you.

So if you wanna buy a painting…

If you want this painting, then again, be sure to go visit on my website.

I got them all up there okay.

You can go to Artist Sarah Long and check the the store.

And this painting again, Purple Rain, and it’s a 16 X 20.

That’s right.

And what else can I say?

What else do you wanna know?

What else can I say?

What else do you wanna know?

I’m going to be doing a video for as many paintings as I can so that we can get the information.

Thank you for watching this episode of Alcohol Ink Art TV.

I’ll catch you on the next episode.
