Like you can’t comprehend the feeling you get when you finally accept yourself, and you love yourself unconditionally.
Like I don’t understand it, I didn’t understand it, until recently.
But it’s taken me a loooong time to get here, and I’m not even really here yet. I don’t even know where I am actually, that’s why I’m forest mapping.
I wanna see who I was and who I’ve become since I killed who I was.
Anyway, I just wanna say, in case I haven’t made it clear…
I’m so proud of you for everything you’ve done.
For all the showing up and really being the silent observer of yourself.
You’ve done an amazing job and I know one day soon you’ll figure out who you really are. And I just hope that when you do, that you see me, the way I see you.
And in case you don’t.