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He’s so not into her, and she knows it.

You can tell by the way he walks and the way she walks beside him.

She holds onto his arm for dear life and you can see how he wants to shake her off, and get her off, so he can breathe.

He’s the kind of guy that just like his space, ya see…

He likes to keep his walls up so he doesn’t have to be vulnerable enough to fall in love.

Cuz he’s afraid of it.

And she knows it.

And she knows that she’s not the only one he’s fucking for fun.

And she knows he doesn’t love her like she wants.

She knows he doesn’t treat her right, but she can’t help it, because really, she’s just as bad as him, and she’s addicted to men treating her like shit.

So she settles for it.

And the truth is, she loves never being loved because it’s safer than what she really wants.

So they both do what most adults do, and they pretend to be in love, just for something to do. So needless to say, it’s a really shitty relationship because no one is really satisfied, which is why they fight so much.

And it’s why she can’t get a hold of him….

And that’s why it’ll never really work out.

Not the way their soul wants.

But they both don’t have a fuckin’ clue about what their soul wants, because they’re stuck in their war of art, and their Monsters are controlling them