It’s me…
I know we haven’t been talkin’ but I need something from you…
What’s that?
Your unconditional love I think.
What’s that?
The version of yourself that sees only me.
Who’s that?
Well, it’s you I think…
OK, well, who am I then exactly?
Well, you’re me I think.
Ok, this is getting confusing…
Tell me what you want and let’s move on from this confusing conversation.
I told you what I want.
I want your unconditional love.
That’s it.
Simple really.
You’re the one making this confusing.
Unconditional love sure, but what does that mean to you?
Well, it means I have your understanding without judgment.
It’s your compassion.
It’s your kindnesses.
It’s your acceptance of me and all my mistakes and all my ways of being when I being someone else…
It’s forgiving me for fucking up so much, I was just going through some learning curves.
And it’s letting go of the stories I told you because they weren’t true, I just couldn’t see the truth because I was too busy running from you.
And now I know, the only thing that’s true is that I’m perfect, pure, and whole, and we don’t have to be separate anymore.
I love you more than I ever thought was possible, and it’s really important to me that you love me too.