Some day you’ll reflect back on your life.
Maybe it’ll be when you’re dying.
Maybe it’ll be when you’re dead…
When you do your life review and you see how you affected other people.
Either way, you might say to yourself, “geez-la-weez, I wish I did more epic shit.”
I wish I didn’t let my damn beliefs stop me from being free, and I wish I was a better lover to my mother, my father, my sister, and my brother.
I wish I ate more stuff-crust pizza and I wish I had more fun doing things I loved, and I wish I didn’t sweat the small stuff.
I wish I let go of the need to control outcomes, and I wish I didn’t let the fear of losing love, stop me from being in love with love.
I wish I took more time for myself to get to know who I really was, and I wish I let myself live the life I really wanted, instead of living life to please everyone else.
I wish I took more time to play and create something amazing.
I wish I didn’t walk away when I was afraid or angry.
I wish I didn’t hold onto the pain, and I wish I didn’t let money become my everything.
I wish I spent more time cuddling with my cats, and I wish I didn’t get so upset with my setbacks.
I wish I took more time to say hi to random strangers walking by.
To hold the door.
To help the elderly out.
To donate my blood.
To be someone I love more than anyone else…
I wish I didn’t waste so much time being disappointed in myself.
I wish I didn’t let my past stop me from becoming the best version of my self.
All of these things are just random things human beings will realize they did after it’s too late to really fix it.
But the good news is, if you’re reading this…
Hearing this.
You’re probably still alive which means you still have time.
You can decide today.
Right now…
To change the way you think about yourself.
You can decide to invest in self-care and self-love and do the work to rise above, whatever it is that keeps you stuck.
You can decide to take more time to become the silent observer of your life.
To become aware of who you’re being and who you want to become.
You can decide to raise your vibration.
To practice the art of satisfaction…
The art of compassion.
You can decide to let go…
To forgive and forget.
You can decide the past is the past, and it doesn’t exist.
This is the path to real freedom.
The path to releasing the resistance.
The only way to die without regret.
But you can also decide to stay the same, and maybe that’s OK…
I’m just saying, perspective changes everything.