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Yeah, so…

I’ve been doing some thinking.

Some deep, deep, deep, deep, deep thinking.

And what I’ve been thinking about is…me and you, and how we can come together, and really be the change we need to see.

If we all just did the work to raise our frequency, and calibrate to wellbeing through the art to self mastery.

The art is self mastery.

So you know the art of self mastery is essentially the integration of self mastery and art mastery.

And those two, which looks like four, but it’s two…

Those two frameworks or concepts are what help us integrate the different parts of ourselves so that we can come together in unity.

Bring together the higher self with the lower self.

So that there is no separation.

So that there’s no separation.

It’s a no brainer.

It’s like basic math.

It’s basic math.

So the thing is, we have to really start to, take responsibility for how we feel, and do the work…do the real work to change how we feel.

Well, that’s if you don’t feel aligned.

If you don’t feel well inside, then the work is to do the work.

Then the work is to feel good.

To feel good.

To feel good.

To feel good as often as possible.

So the thing that really helped me take control of my life and myself…

The thing that really helped me do the work…

Well, you’re probably not gonna believe me.

But just know…

I didn’t just make this up.

I’m not crazy.

And it’s not a conspiracy theory.

This tool that I used it changed everything.

And I honestly think…think and feel

It has the power to change and help heal everyone.

But you’re not gonna believe me at first.

You’re probably not gonna believe me.

You’re probably gonna think I’m crazy.

You’re gonna probably wanna see evidence.

But to that, I say, well, this is evidence.

The fact that you’re here in the art stories project that’s evidence because everything that I’ve done, and who I’ve become is because of this.

This tool…and that is…

Are you ready for it?

Can I get a drum roll please?

Can I get a drum roll, please?


The drum is rolling.

And the tool that I use to go from dark to light.

Alcohol ink.

Alcohol ink.

I know what you’re thinking.

I know what you’re thinking.

Alcohol ink??

Maybe you’re thinking what the F is alcohol Ink?

I had the same question when I first started.

But then I don’t know.

I don’t know.

Something happened.

Something happened.

I’ll paint you a little picture to give you some perspective.

To give you some context.

One day, when I was in a very dark place, and I was like where am I going and why?

Did I die?

Am I going to die very soon?

I thought I was gonna die very soon.

And so I went to this beach because I was killing some time, thinking about things, and trying to assess my life.

Trying to get answers to all those questions, I had been asking.

And so I’m sitting on the beach.

I’m sitting on the beach by myself, drinking a cold pop.

I cracked open a cold pop, and I’m just sitting back thinking about stuff.

And all of a sudden out of the blue…

Outta the blue.

Outta the blue.

Outta the blue.

Out-of-the-blue, I was surrounded by this massive wave of angelic intelligence.

Angelic intelligence, angelic intelligence, angelic intelligence.

It was like so overwhelming, and so empowering and so big.

I don’t even know how else to explain it.

And this one beautiful being came up to me, and she put a crown on me, and she handed me these keys.

It was a massive set of keys.

And she said, here you go, Sarah.

Now is the time.

Now is the time to unlock, all the stuff that you’ve kept hidden inside of you.

I said, what are you talking about?

Unlock the stuff that’s inside of me.

She said, you know…you know.

I said, no, I don’t know.

Please fill me.

And to be honest, I don’t really know what happened after that.

It’s all still quite a mystery.

A story that needs some investigating.

But what I can say is, after that day…

After they gave me these keys, and put this crown on me, and they said, go do what you came to do.

Unlock the stuff that’s inside of you.

And ever since then…

Ever since then, I’ve been doing the work.

Doing the work to paint.

To paint, to paint.

To paint.

To paint.

To paint.

To paint, to paint, to paint.

And you know, you might think, well, that’s child’s play, Sarah.

And to that, I say precisely.

See, the thing a lot of adults don’t realize is that, part of the reason why we end up getting sick, tired, and fat.

The reason why life is so hard…

The reason why we’re always trying to get something, outside of ourself, is because of the voids that we have inside of ourselves.

The voids in our cells.

The cell that keeps us alive, and the cell that’s part of the system that facilitates our operating system.

The heart.

The heart is our main operating system.

So what happens is, we as human beings come into this life experience. I mean, they say we make a contract.

And they say, we came by choice.

But I don’t know about that.

Anyway, we end up getting here, right?

We come here and we get shoved out of these vaginas.

Or we go through these C-sections.

We come here in some way shape or form through a vessel.

And then we are brought into a family whatever that looks like.

Everybody’s family ties are unique to them.

Everybody’s family ties are different.

And, so we end up being raised in whatever family construct we come into.

And that family construct imprints in us, ways of being, thinking and feeling.

And that’s what carves our path.

And, it is through our life experiences, and the stories that we go through that shape who we become.

But the thing is, the good news is…

We come with so much information.

We have everything we need within ourselves to be great and to do extraordinary things.

We came with a purpose.

With a mission.

With a passion.

We came with joy and we came with innocence.

We came with a whole heart.

A healed heart.

But stuff happens, and we’re not taught how to deal with our emotions, so we don’t.

And so we go through these stories.

We experience fear.

Not just because we get brought up, into environments that are based on fear.

But also because life as we know it is, very much designed from the energy, and vibration of fear.

And so this entire experience takes us through a process that over time creates a lot of internal divide.

And that divide is what causes distortions.

And it causes personality traits that lead to addictions and behaviors, that oftentimes cause us to self destruct in a variety of ways, because what we’re looking for…

Is a way to fill the void that makes us feel whole.

That wholeness that we came with, we’re constantly trying to get it.

We’re constantly trying to find it because that’s our natural state of being.

That’s what we want.

We want our wholeness.

We want our innocence.

We want to love unconditionally.

But somehow, in some way, along the way, we lose that.

And so as a result the voids get bigger.

And it creates this separation between who you really are, and who you really aren’t.

And, as a result we lose ourself, right?

We lose our hearts and we lose the Truth.

And we stop playing.

And we stop giving.

And we stop loving.

And we stop being.

And instead we’re constantly looking outside the Self.

We’re constantly looking for love in people, places, and things.

And this is where addictions come from.

This is where coping mechanisms come from.

So it’s not the tool…

It’s not the sugar that you’re addicted to.

It’s not the drugs you’re addicted to.

It’s not the sex you’re addicted to.

It’s not the people you’re addicted to.

What it is, is that you are searching for something outside of yourself to feel well.

But the reality is everything you’re looking for is within.

You’ve just locked it up.

You’ve locked it up.



And so when I started painting with the alcohol inks.

It opened me up to this world of unconditional love that I had never, ever, ever, ever, ever experienced.

At least I don’t think I have.

And at least not in this 3D reality.

But to be honest, I really believe that that’s where I come from.

I come from this place that feels so vibrant.

And so rich.

And so orgasmic.

And so delicious.

And so intense.

But everything is so precise.

And so divine.

And so aligned.

And it feels so good all of the time.

And I know, I know, I know.

Some humans don’t want to feel that, because they believe that life has to be hard in order for them to get the expansion and the lessons that they came to learn.

But what I’ve come to find is that there is so much to learn from love.

And when you really start to embody that energy.

When you start to feel well within.

When you’ve done the work to heal your resistances.

To restore balance at a cellular level.

When you learn about light and love, in a way that actually gets to the root cause of the problems.

When you really heal the stories that broke your heart.

It’s like you don’t need the struggle to really grow and expand anymore, because you’re not coming at life from that point of view.

You don’t believe that you need to fight to make a difference, because you’re not fighting anymore.

Alcohol inks taught me how to forgive.

How to let go.

But more than anything, they taught me how to move energy.

How to control my emotions.

How to be more aware of my emotions, and how my emotions, thus energy.

Emotions is energy in motion…

So when I would paint…

because of the kind of paint that it is.

Because of the way that the inks do what they do.

I was then able to use the information that the inks were imprinting in me and I was able to translate it or apply it to my life.

To myself.

To my health.

To my wealth.

To my relationships.

And so instead of, you know, reacting to things.

And being controlled and manipulated by my emotions.

And my resistances.

And the fear and the trauma that had piled up inside of me due to years upon years, upon years of never feeling good enough.

And never feeling loved.

And always facing constant setbacks.

And those setbacks caused me to fall into this trap of pain and loneliness.

But the alcohol links really helped me to, remember my innocence.

To remember where I come from.

To remember what I am.

And thus, I AM energy.

I’m energy.

And so when I started to really feel.

And hear.

And innerstand my energy.

And my true essence.

I was then better able to make more discerning decisions out there.

And that’s how I was able to go from the dark to the light and create this extraordinary rich life from practically nothing.

Like when I was at my worst.

When I was at my worst.

And so what I’m really talking about, or what I did was I went through the process, of, um, healing…

It’s a journey…

And what we need to be doing constantly is realizing where we don’t feel well, and trying to innerstand why.

And then doing whatever it takes.

Whatever it takes to fill the void.

To fill yourself up.

To change the story.

To imprint yourself with codes of light and love.

And that’s essentially what Alcohol Ink art does.

Here’s a sample of alcohol ink.

Now this painting right here is a painting that I did awhile ago.

And it’s crazy, right?

It’s pretty crazy.

But if you can see…

That the lines and shapes are so strange.

And the colors are pretty vibrant.

Pretty shiny.

Pretty rich.

Pretty orgasmic.

You want some more.

You want a taste.

You want a touch.

You want feel.

You can’t get enough.

Truthfully, I’m gonna be putting another layer down on this, so this is not what it’s going to be.

That’s also what alcohol ink art teaches us.

She teaches us how layers cause an effect.

And so whenever you are laying another layer down of energy.

You are causing an effect.

So how you feel really influences your reality.

And so when we talk about the process of healing.

We need to be more mindful of how we feel.

And feeling good is ultimately the key.

The key to everything that is missing.

Because you can’t get out what is in you…

You can’t unlock the stuff you put away as a way to protect yourself.

You can’t unlock it.

You can’t get to it…

If you feel like shit.

So we have to feel good in order to unlock our gifts.

And so with that being said, Alcohol Ink Arting is really what helped me open the door to my creativity.

To becoming more of the artist that I’ve been dying to be.

And I’m telling you, this is everything…

Because without art.

Without arting.

Without being the artist.

I feel terrible all the time.

And that to me is what creates the monster.

The menace to society.

So Alcohol Ink Art and the colors.

The color energy.

The vibrancy.

And going through the motion of moving the inks around.

Whether it’s with my airbrush or my heat gun.

Or just moving with my body.

Moving it with my body.

But there’s something so magical.

Something so effing special that happens in the moment of painting a painting with Alcohol Ink because I don’t know how else…

How else can you really move color in the way that you can with Alcohol Ink?

And color is what we are.

Color is light and love.

Yes it is.

Yes it is.

So I’m just saying…

When we’re talking about raising the frequency…

You can do all the talking about it you want.

You can meditate all you want.

You could take your drugs.

You could do this.

You could do that.

But I’m telling you, nothing is going to stick in the same way that alcohol ink art will stick.

And the same holds true with Rife frequency in my opinion anyway.

When we’re talking about raising our frequency…

We have to look at tools that really, really, really make an impact.

Tools that actually get to the root of the problem at a cellular level.

And so alcohol inks to me, really have a profound effect on the third eye which is really what gives us the clarity, and the mindset to think better feeling thoughts.

And to take different kinds of action.

And thus creating a whole new reality.

A whole new persona.

A whole new way of being.

When you go from fear to love, you’re going to change yourself entirely.

And that is probably the thing most people are afraid of because they’re afraid of really stepping into their power.

Of really being in their truth.

Because for most of us, that way of being…

Being who we really are…

Most of us have been shamed for that.

Or punished for that.

And that’s why we put ourself in a box.

That’s why we block ourself off.

Push our gift aside and don’t be seen.

And don’t be heard.

And die while you’re alive.

So that’s why when Alcohol Inks came to me

and they came with the crown and the key cuz they said they knew.

They knew what was gonna happen.

They knew who I really was, but I forgot.

I forgot.

And so, I didn’t plan this.

I didn’t even know about alcohol inks.

Sort of just happened.

It just happened like I sent out of the blue.

And so I’m here to tell you that I think that this tool has the power to help anyone because I’m not special.

I’m just like you, I’m a human too.

And I’m here trying to do the work, and go through the process.

Just like you are.

And so if it can help me, maybe it can help you.

And what I really want it to help us do, is help us open the door to more of who we are.

More creativity.

So from Alcohol Inks that’s when I started to write differently.

And if I’m honest, which I am.

I’m always honest.

One of my biggest passions…

Or one of my biggest arts is word art.

Writing is something that I’ve always done.

And writing is the thing that really helped me get to know myself.

So it’s like alcohol ink opened the door.

Come on in, Sarah, have a seat.

Have a seat and get com-fee…

Crack a cold pop if you must.

Take a load off.

Let’s talk about some stuff.

And that’s when I started writing.

Writing, writing, writing.

Writing, writing, writing.

So in the next episode I’m gonna talk to you about word art, okay?


Good day.